Content Marketing:
Your Ultimate Marketing Playlist

Let us be the first to say, (although you may have actually heard this before) developing and implementing a content marketing strategy for your brand is essential business.

So what exactly is content marketing?

Content marketing is a carefully executed combination of advertising, product marketing, social media, SEO, branded content, and influencer marketing to build one incredible campaign.

A good content marketing strategy is accomplished by creating and sharing online materials that don’t overtly promote your business. These assets can be videos, blogs, social media posts, advertisements, and more. The objective is to distribute content that provides valuable, relevant information that your audience will enjoy or learn from, and that will ultimately lead them back to you.

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Studies have shown that consumers, particularly younger ones, don’t like to be sold to. Gone are the days of heavy pitches and sales-y communication—it’s just not what people want—nor is it what they respond to. With so many online channels available and ways to get in touch with your target audience, finding and using ones that will resonate with them is what content marketing is all about.

Have you ever made a playlist? Think of content marketing as your brand’s ultimate playlist. You add a little of this, maybe a few oldies, definitely some new material, mix it up, and you have a completely awesome, curated musical experience. With content marketing, the goal is the same—to give your audience a comprehensive, curated, and awesome experience to get to know your brand— by using several different platforms and materials. Also similar to making a kickass playlist, all of these assets have to work together, while not necessarily being exactly the same.The goal is to show them who you are and what you do by giving them something they didn’t ask for or know they needed. By delivering a content “playlist” you are making your prospective client or consumer more informed about your industry, without pitching your products or services.

In steps, it looks like this:

  1. Plan your marketing strategy.
  2. Understand your audience.
  3. Tell your brand’s story.
  4. Choose your distribution channels.
  5. Manage your content with your team.
  6. Use your content to create a dialogue with your audience and listen to them.
  7. Weigh the effectiveness of your strategy.

To summarize:

Content marketing can easily be described with a few tried and true cliches (like what we did there?). 

First, give the people what they want. Remember they don’t want to be sold to. Give them unique, valuable information that they can’t find anywhere else. This makes them like you. 

Second,  if you build it, they will come. In a nutshell, this is the essence of content marketing. It’s a little more involved than traditional marketing but the value is immeasurable. If you build and implement an incredible content marketing strategy, your audience will reward you with their business and loyalty.

Lastly, always be closing. In the end, this still rings true (another one!). The purpose of marketing is to build your brand and earn the trust of your customers. Content marketing is the most modern and successful way to do this. 

Get in touch with us to get started with your ultimate content marketing playlist.